See the thing with us buds is that there are some things we are both addicted to. Besides sleeping (yaaawwn) and eating (Yay! Pizza!), this presently includes gaming.
I am not what you can call a hardcore gamer, having recently acquired an Xbox 360, but I do enjoy playing.
(Yes, a girl can enjoy playing GTA IV, Gears of War 2, Half Life 2, COD 4.)
In fact, in the less-than-two-months of owning the console, I have already finished one game--a wonderful surprise birthday present from my bud. :-) (I thought he was buying it for himself... Well, he did buy it for himself too!)
Now my dear bud might think I am doing a little jale pe namak chhidakna by writing all this, but I really am not. (His console died recently, and he is waiting for the company to replace it.) I am actually writing this to... well you'll see why in a bit...
There was a time when I was alien to gaming, except some online games, which you can't really categorise as gaming. And at this time, bud was (well, he always has been) very much into it. Now trust me, and I am sure those of you who have been in the situation would agree, it was extremely difficult for me to really get excited about it, or relate to it in any manner. There were also the "Accha will call you in 15 minutes, am playing abhi" to deal with. Overall not a very pleasant experience for me I must say, especially when those 15 minutes never got over.
(What if I was in a life-threatening situation and wanted to talk to my bud?
Okay, I am a drama queen, shoot me :-P)
Well, now that I have my own gaming console, and some really cool games to go with it, all I can say is, "Sam, I know what you are going through right now." Just the electricity goes while I am playing and I am as sad as a ghost who has just discovered he/she's dead.
I think the Xbox has changed our friendship forever... Oh yea, definitely for the better. Even I get to do the "Will call you in 15 minutes" deal now (sadistic smile).
The last 'hmmm'ing before this post:
Me: How much do you miss gaming on your xbox?
Bud: :-|
is that a question to be asked?
Me: hmmm
(Okay, maybe that was a little jale pe namak chhidakna.)
© The Humming Buds Dec 2008
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