So, I was watching TV today, most of the evening. (See, the thing with watching TV is that it gives you this unreal sense of achievement, even without ACTUALLY doing anything constructive at all!!!)
I was watching TV because I didn’t have anything else to do, like most of the people on this planet. While surfing through the "very interesting channels", I stopped on one. Actually, it’s a music channel, but somehow the "M" in the channel got hijacked by the "R" (for Reality). Hence, now the channel is a confused one, that’s what it looks like to me!
So, on RTV (the new name according to me), there is this new show, hosted by two women, who seem gorgeous to the world, but somehow to me they seem like they bumped their heads on something very hard and their brains just flew out!
Alright, alright! You might say that I am just being a bit too critical here, 'coz after all, "how many people actually make it there, eh?"
Actually, making it there wasn’t really the issue. Even though I think that the channel has just hired them because of their so-called popularity, fan-following and 'hip' attitude, my heart goes out to the rest of the participants of the same reality show through which these two "ladies" got their prize! (*sob sob*) "We got conned!!!!", I can almost hear them scream! (*snort snort*)
Not that it makes any difference to my life! Anyway they didn’t really have much in them, apart from those "oh-so-gorgeous-drop-dead-good-looks", and a little bit of attitude. Errr… a lot of attitude I would say. BAD ATTITUDE! Bah!
It's quite inspiring to see how certain channels promote certain "attributes" through these poor participants. (I wrote something about this here, and here too.)
For me to comment on that would be a little too idealistic, and since this blog isn’t about all that, I'll let this golden opportunity to comment, pass.
Well, the name of the show happens to be the same as my favourite instant messenger's (no points for guessing it now, d-uh!). Although I am yet to understand the "Heavenly" reason for the show's existence (not that I care much about it!), I could not understand the talk the two women were so deeply engrossed in!
Yea, it did make me feel outraged at one point during their highly intellectual discussion, in their newly won-n-decorated Barbie-doll-house-looking apartment (bah!). One of them made a really preposterous comment on… on… Radio Jockeys!! (*raises one eyebrow, and two fists*)
Well, on second thoughts, I don’t blame her. As some holy man might say, "I forgive you, child, for you know not what you have done."
Errr.. have done, are doing, will do, say, act, eat, breathe, walk, talk, take a crap… whatever!!! (Dumbass!!)
I have reached this conclusion, yet again in life. Your looks do not indicate towards or govern your cerebral capabilities.
That’s all the philosophizing I can do for today. Back to the pizza and the movie now.
(Hmmm… I have been eating quite a lot of pizza, yet again. Not good, not good! Hmmm!)
Love, Peace n' Harmony
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