As it is with most blogs and bloggers, the posts usually come after some time has passed since the creation of the blog. So is the situation with this one. So as hundreds of thousands of bloggers write in their first posts, "Here we are, in the blogosphere! Ready, all set, computer, MS Word and all, with our 'baby'!"
Well, I can go on and on, telling all the readers what we intend to do with this blog, how this is going to be a vent for our pent-up emotions, how this will become our "Dear Diary", so that we can "express our opinions" to all the readers and the world alike. But then, maybe not.
So, without further ado, o reader friend, let me tell you what this is all about.
Yes, yes, u read it right! This blog is actually about nothing! There are no strong views that we intend to convey through this blog. No political heavy duty stuff, no crying over relationships, no critical analysis of random subjects. Nothing fitting this description.
This is just a place where 2 best buddies write! Yea, JUST write! "And what is it that you will write about?" you may ask! The answer to that very intelligent and quite obvious question is, ANYTHING!
Ok, lemme be a little more conclusive in what I am trying to say here. See, the thing is, this is just a simple blog. Both of us, the authors, henceforth known as the Buds, are best of friends. Of course, since we are two different people, we DO have two different brains! ("Thank you, Einstein" I hear u say! *snigger snigger*)
And as it is commonplace for two free-thinking, slightly irreverent, mildly creative, supremely wild (at least in our own minds), unconventionalist friends, we have our own sets of agreements and disagreements. But apart from all this, there is one thing which is common to both Buds.
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is… Hmmm.
No no, I didn’t forget what I was going to write, nor did I start thinking randomly all of a sudden. Actually what is common between us IS Hmmm.
Yes, that sound. That word. And mind you, it has to be spelled in that same manner! One "Aech" and three "
It’s a divine word, and the divinity of its sound is even bigger!
One word, and it has multiple meanings! And it is, by far, the most-used word in our conversations, as abusrd or as intelligent they might be.
I am completely in love with this "Hmmm". It conveys so many different feelings. Its like that one potion that can cure all diseases, if a potion like that exists! Its like the "masterkey that opens all the locks in the world" that we used to read about in comic books and pulp-fiction! Its like that one "anaar" that can heal "sau beemaar"!
It can be a way to greet someone.
Bud 1:- "Hi! Good morning!"
Bud 2:- "Hmmm"
It can be an affirmation.
Bud 1:- "You going to office today?"
Bud 2:- "Hmmm"
It can also be an indication that one is thinking about the subject of discussion.
Bud 1:- "So, what's your opinion? Was that right or not?"
Bud 2:- "Hmmm…" (followed by the opinion, but of course!)
It might also be an exclamation! An indication that one, or maybe both, are surprised, excited, happy, whatever!
Bud 1:- "I am going shopping today in the evening!!!!"
Bud 2:- Hmmm!!!
Well, sometimes, it's also a response to a joke too!! (this one JUST happened while writing this post)
Bud 1:- "…… comparing Dutch and Indian weddings! LOL!! :-D
Bud 2:- "Hmmm!!!" (followed by a 'Lol'!!!)
Yet, sometimes, and very interestingly, a volley of "Hmmm"s becomes an entire conversation!!
Bud 1:- "Hmmm…"
Bud 2:- "Hmmm."
Bud 1:- "Hmmm, yea…"
Bud 2:- "Hmmm,
(please note that proper punctuation here always helps in conveying the appropriate usage!!!)
Quite interestingly, we are hooked on to this "Hmmm". See, I cant even call it a word! Its hard for me to do that! It seems almost blasphemous to do so! It's far too divine to be labeled as a "word"!!
Well, at least I know that I am definitely hooked on to it! And its not just between the Buds that the "Hmmm" is experienced. It happens during conversations with others as well, verbal and literal alike. In fact, if I remember correctly, my bud picked it up from me.
In fact this "Hmmm" has been so deeply linked with me, that some people think I have some kinda illicit thing going on there with it!! (*snort snort*)
On my Orkut Testimonials, Facebook Comments etc, people have not failed to mention about this "Hmmm"ing quality of mine. It almost seems they got me married off to "Hmmm".
Not that it feels bad! Some people sing, some dance, some race… some do some things not appropriate to be mentioned here (hoping that they are being safe, though!!!)… I simply "Hmmm".
Actually, now WE "Hmmm".
That’s the way it is. And that’s what we are going to do here as well. Just sit back, relax, talk… and "Hmmm".
I think I'll go and have some pizza now, and watch a nice movie.
Hmmm, nice idea!!!
(See what I mean!!!!!)
© The Humming Buds Dec 2008
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